Friday, November 12, 2010

Readjusting my expectations.

My sons are amazing.
I spent so much of my pre-mommy days being so sure that my kids would be a certain way, I would make SURE of it. But, as we all tend to find out several times over through out our lives, life just doesn't' work that way. You can't control other people, no... not even your own spawn. My children are everything I never wanted my kids to be, they're rambunctious and stubborn, they're bratty sometimes, and throw THE worst tantrums over THE most ridiculous things. They have no interest what so ever in learning, from me at least, what colors, shapes or letters are.
But, they are loving, kind and sweet happy little beings.
Yesterday, we were hangin out watchin T.V., and I looked at my 19 month old and said, "Boy, Mommy's cold." Didn't think nothing of it as he jumped up. Thought, maybe he remembered some toy he wanted from his room. A couple minutes pass, and he comes up to me, hands me his blanket and his brother's pillow. How thoughtful is that?
My older son, who will be three at the end of this month, saw his daddy's hands were cut up, he frowned, and asked, "Hands hurt, Daddy?"
His father said yes, they sure did. My son proceeded to blow gently on the cuts on his father's hands, and looked up, his big brown eyes full of concern for his father's well being. "Better?" He asked, and then very very gently rubbed his hands over the cuts...
It warmed my heart, and made me feel so lucky to know such a kid.. much less be the child's mother... So, he may not be everything I wanted my kids to be, but he's a million times better than anything I could have hoped for. It doesn't matter if my son wins the Nobel prize, or goes to ivy league colleges, in the end, all that really matters is that he's happy, that he's loving and kind. That he cares about others.

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