Thursday, September 16, 2010

So, It has recently occured to me...

I am okay.
You know, just when you start to think crap keeps piling up on you and you're never going to be able to crawl out of it... you see two women walking down the street looking angry and overhear them complaining about things you don't even halfway have to worry about... and you start to reflect and rearrange things in your life.
Yes, there's a lot of drama and heartache in my life sometimes. Sometimes I have no control over it, other times I am the cause of it because I can't just let people walk away from me without feeling like I've been heard. But, the drama is superficial, and can be wiped off, well most of it anyway. Some of it runs deeper than anyone will ever know. But I have come to a point that I am ready to wipe the superficial "drama" off my slate and start anew. I want happiness in my life, and the lives of those within my circle.
I know sometimes it's hard to let people walk away, but if that's what they need to do, then I need to start letting them walk. If they don't come back, they are the ones missing out, not me. I am a strong woman, a kind person, a loving mother, a good friend and a great lover (in and out of bed haha) and I deserve to have good loving strong kind great people in my life as well.... I can be mean, but often as a reflection of how I am being treated. - and sometimes I am just in a bad mood... I'm entitled to have bad days too... not just those around me. I don't always have to be the brick wall you lean on. I should be able to lean back on you as well.. like two trees bending in the winds...

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